Comment 3 for bug 207527

Revision history for this message
Ante Karamatić (ivoks) wrote :

"* In the make_catalog_backup_awk script there is an if statement, "if (catname == cat1 || catname == cat2 || catname == cat3 || catname == cat4)" that guards the creation of .my.cnf and execution of mysqldump. On my system cat1 had the value "<CatalogName>" and catname had the value "MyCatalog" so the configuration file was never created and mysqldump never executed. -- Commented out the if statement."

You should replace <CatalogName> with the name of the catalog in your configuration, which is, if I understand you correctly, MyCatalog. You have to configure RunBeforeJob correctly, before you use it.

RunBeforeJob runs as 'bacula' user. Home of that user is /var/lib/bacula. mysql client reads ~/.my.cnf, which in case of bacula user is /var/lib/bacula. If you run it as root, it would appear that it doesn't work. Beside that, you'll have problems with root-owned files in /var/lib/bacula.