Comment 4 for bug 739293

Revision history for this message
Tristan Grimaux (info-tristangrimaux) wrote :

The weather map parsing has an error. It finds the map correctly but when it has to find the src it fails as its criteria looks for the wrong case, and without proper quotes. The site changed it?


find somehing similar to

mapExp = """<IMG NAME="mapImg" SRC="([^\"]+)" WIDTH=([0-9]+) HEIGHT=([0-9]+) BORDER"""

and change it to

mapExp = """<img name="mapImg" src="([^\"]+)" width="([0-9]+)" height="([0-9]+)" border"""

Mine is on line 622

Also, on line 563 or 606 (depends on the version) update the key if it's failing

The original is
__ws_key = "&prod=xoap&par=1048871467&key=12daac2f3a67cb39&link=xoap"

and you can change it to
__ws_key = "&prod=xoap&par=1287722164&key=e11ec82daa20d876"

as posted on

As a side note: to report a parsing problem as a network connection error is really bizarre|awkward|stupid|disrupting and it gets worse as you are parsing someone else page, prone to be changed without notice.