Comment 0 for bug 80900

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Rodney Lane (roddles) wrote : problems resolving fully qualified domain names on Kubuntu feisty

Install Kubuntu Feisty
Set the ip address to dhcp for eth0 (ethernet port)
make sure the host name and domain name are set
Hostname computer1
DomainName mydomain.local

allow DHCP to assign the IP address

Ensure the computer details are registered in DNS for mydomain.local...

computer names registered in DNS (FQDN)

computer2 and computer3 are both running Kubuntu Dapper and are both using DHCP.

if I issue the following comands on computer2 or computer3, it works correctly:

ping computer2 (response received - ping good)
ping computer3 (response received - ping good)
ping computer2.mydomain.local (response received - ping good)
ping computer3.mydomain.local (response received - ping good)

if i issue the same commands from the feisty box (computer1), these are the results..

ping computer2 (response received - ping good)
ping computer3 (response received - ping good)
ping computer2.mydomain.local (unknown host)
ping computer3.mydomain.local (unknown host)

for some reason if you try to ping the fully qualified domain name on feisty, it cant resolve it, yet it can resolve it using both static IP Addressing and DHCP addressing on Dapper. (i set the IP to static as well for the test) Static and DHCP on Dapper works fine. Static and DHCP wont resolve fully qualified domain names on Feisty. (computer1, computer2 and computer 3 are all Kubuntu machines. DNS Server is a Windows 2003 Server (that will be changed a kubuntu server very soon though!)

It can resolve the host name only though, and will return the fully qualified domain name in the response.

