Comment 16 for bug 213574

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MikeGags (mikegags) wrote :

Hi Paul.

I was able to work around this - and the key is your comment:
"It worked on Ubuntu, too, until network manager came along."

I uninstalled NM (apt-get remove).
Then manually configured my eth0 for DHCP and it works like a champ.
I did add that "-no-dbus" to the YPBINDARGS in /etc/defaults/nis, but I'm not sure if its
necessary or not. I didn't want to put much more time into this. Next time I reboot....

This box is in a rack and isn't going anywhere, so I guess NM didn't offer me much
anyway. It is not as if I can't configure an interface via the GUI or command line.

If this setup (autofs over NIS for mouting home dirs) is legacy env, I wonder what the
current/next-gen env is?
I'd be interested in trying that out as I'm not necessarily bound to the autofs/NIS env.
Of course if there really isn't an alternative for mounting a home dir then I guess ubuntu
will have to do something at some point? Right? :-O