Comment 6 for bug 2048781

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote :

cargo check and govulncheck are fantastic things, but they're written from the perspective of upstream application authors who will keep up with new versions of dependencies on a regular basis.

What does this mean for our 24.04 LTS release, in eg 2029? Will we have four different versions of authd, one for each release of the operating system? Will these CI jobs still be running in 2029 to alert us to issues in the vendored packages from 2024? Will the upstream data sources even care about five year old code versions?

Or, will we be updating the authd package periodically, and keeping identical versions between 24.04 LTS, 26.04 LTS, 28.04 LTS, etc, just rebuilt on each for the corresponding kernel ABI?

A brand new package feels likely to need quick iteration, especially once it's been used in the field. What does authd's future look like?
