Comment 35 for bug 602934

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In , Gale (gale) wrote :

Leland wrote:
> Should I regenerate the above patch with the fix from bug #317?
Yes, I think that would make it easier for others to test.

> What are the outstanding issues?
All FFmpeg bugs "should" have the "FFmpeg" keyword:

though that will be wider than operational issues with FFmpeg > 0.5.

I think different people may have different issues but I'll be testing soon
with this patch + bug 317 patch with Ubuntu FFmpeg and reporting back. I
suggest we could use the "Steps to Repro" here as a summary of operational
issues with FFmpeg with the relevant bug number listed.

We must also test against SVN FFmpeg which could have its own issues. I will
"try" and do that later. All the tests so far have been done against the much
earlier Ubuntu 10.10 FFmpeg AFAIK (though Benjamin might have a later FFmpeg
with Ubuntu 11 devel version).

> For those experiencing slow exports after importing an OGG file, can you
> try changing "Edit->Preferences->Import/Export->Read uncompressed..." to
> "Make a copy..." and then exit Audacity, get back in, and try to reproduce
> the slowness.
> For me, it no longer occurs. And since the slowness happens with OGG ->
> OGG as someone else mentioned somewhere (yes...I'm still confused ;-)), it
> doesn't have anything to do with FFmpeg, so this should probably be a
> different bug.
That OGG slowness thing is separate (bug 311) but I have never seen it so far.

Why would the copy-in Pref affect OGG > OGG? Audacity should copy the OGG in
irrespective of that setting.