Comment 7 for bug 1052162

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Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) wrote :

@John: thank you for this answer!

Yes, our musicPlayer applet is connected to the "PropertiesChanged" signal but it checks if the trackid has changed in order to know if it has to notify the user and to not update informations if it's not needed.

Following MPRIS2 spec, if there is a current track, this must have a "mpris:trackid" entry (of D-Bus type "o") at the very least, which contains a D-Bus path that uniquely identifies this track.
This is why this applet only checks the trackid. It's just to not check if the artist, title, album, cover, etc. have changed. (now we just check if the title has changed too to avoid these kind of bugs)

But about the trackid, it's maybe better to add something even if it's not the id (e.g. something like a md5 sum of URI, or the address of the pointer). Clementine devs use the position of the song in the current playlist.

> Think of internet streams, or of the case where a user edits the tag on a file while it is playing.
You're right! If the trackid is not modified (e.g. if it's not a signature made with the metadata), it's a problem :-/ (and it's maybe useful to check if the artist has changed too to modify the icon's label if it's needed)