Comment 6 for bug 1052162

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) wrote :

@Ted: I think it will be better to directly use Launchpad to add new comments here (or send mails with your e-mail address linked to your Launchpad account) ;)

2012/10/3 Ted <>:
This is the response from the Audacious developer concerning the trackid requirement in MPRIS2:

-------- Original Message --------
Hi Ted,

I am aware of this "bug", but it is unfortunately a "wontfix", or more
precisely a "cantfix".

The thing is, MPRIS v2 was written apparently without much consideration
for playlist-based players like Audacious. Unlike Amarok, Rhythmbox,
Banshee, etc., where there is a database holding all the tracks, in
Audacious, a song is identified only by its position in the playlist,
which can change without warning. Hence, we can't provide reliable
track identifiers.

From what you said, I gather that cairo-dock is waiting until "trackid"
changes to check for changes in the metadata. That's not a good idea
anyway, since metadata can change even within the same track. (Think of
internet streams, or of the case where a user edits the tag on a file
while it is playing.) MPRIS v2 metadata uses the D-Bus properties
system, so a more natural and more reliable way to watch for metadata
changes is to connect to the "PropertiesChanged" signal.

I hope this helps.

-- John