Comment 6 for bug 230760

Revision history for this message
Javier-puche-u (javier-puche-u) wrote :

Same in trusty, apturl will give 'Package XXX is virtual' message if trying to install a i386 package in amd64 host without specifying the :i386 suffix, and the other way around: trying to install a :i386 package in i386 host specifying the :i386 suffix

 The things is that apt-get install does not have this behaviour.

 Trying to put a link to, for example, apt://acroread-bin, will not work either for i386 or for amd64 depending on weather the :i386 is specified or not, while apt-get install handles properly.

 I tried to update apturl with latest ubuntu versions (vivid, etc.) but it breaks too many dependencies, and anyhow it seems that the problem has not been tackled so far.

 Thanks for taking a look.