Comment 1 for bug 625409

Revision history for this message
arky (arky) wrote :

Tried to reproduce that but got a failure.

on_title_changed <webkit.WebView object at 0x9ce3644 (WebKitWebView at 0x99dd4d8)> <webkit.WebFrame object at 0x9ce3784 (WebKitWebFrame at 0xa0b0550)> Software purchase in progress
WARNING:softwarecenter.fixme:logs to the root logger: '('/home/iise/repos/software-center/trunk/softwarecenter/view/', 114, '_process_json')'
WARNING:root:error processing json: 'Software purchase in progress'
on_title_changed <webkit.WebView object at 0x9ce3644 (WebKitWebView at 0x99dd4d8)> <webkit.WebFrame object at 0x9ce3784 (WebKitWebFrame at 0xa0b0550)> { "successful" : false, "failures" : "Software purchases are not yet publically available."}
DEBUG:softwarecenter.view.appdetails:AppDetailsView.show_app 'Hello X Adventure,hellox'
DEBUG:softwarecenter.view.appdetails:configure hellox state=10 pkgstate=10