Comment 2 for bug 829692

Revision history for this message
Odoardo Maria Calamai (odoardo-calamai) wrote :

Thank Daniel but I think that the bug is not the same, because apt process " sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk " does not terminate for the unresponsive EULA of sun-java6-jdk locking the terminal. The only way to reuse terminal is to close it and reopen, but the processes that try to update Java Jre don't terminate (see last part of apt-history.log:
" Start-Date: 2011-08-18 09:02:05
Install: git-man:i386 (, automatic), liberror-perl:i386 (0.17-1, automatic), git:i386 (, automatic), giggle:i386 (0.5-1.1), git-core:i386 (, automatic)
End-Date: 2011-08-18 09:02:16

Start-Date: 2011-08-18 09:02:49
Install: gitg:i386 (0.0.6-3)
End-Date: 2011-08-18 09:02:58

Start-Date: 2011-08-18 09:03:46
Install: qgit:i386 (2.3-1ubuntu2), stgit:i386 (0.15-1, automatic)
End-Date: 2011-08-18 09:03:52

Start-Date: 2011-08-18 12:18:15
Commandline: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Install: sun-java6-bin:i386 (6.26-1natty1, automatic), unixodbc:i386 (2.2.14p2-2ubuntu1, automatic), sun-java6-jdk:i386 (6.26-1natty1), sun-java6-jre:i386 (6.26-1natty1, automatic), gsfonts-x11:i386 (0.21, automatic)

Start-Date: 2011-08-19 18:12:47
Commandline: apt-get -f install
Install: sun-java6-bin:i386 (6.26-1natty1, automatic), unixodbc:i386 (2.2.14p2-2ubuntu1, automatic), gsfonts-x11:i386 (0.21, automatic)
Upgrade: sun-java6-jre:i386 (6.26-1natty1, 6.26-1natty1)

Start-Date: 2011-08-19 18:31:51
Commandline: apt-get -f install
Upgrade: sun-java6-bin:i386 (6.26-1natty1, 6.26-1natty1), sun-java6-jre:i386 (6.26-1natty1, 6.26-1natty1)

Start-Date: 2011-08-20 07:01:21
Commandline: apt-get install mc
Install: mc:i386 (
Upgrade: sun-java6-bin:i386 (6.26-1natty1, 6.26-1natty1), sun-java6-jre:i386 (6.26-1natty1, 6.26-1natty1) "

and opening a new terminal without reboot the system give the following results:

" samsung@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mc
[sudo] password for samsung:
E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.
samsung@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process
samsung@ubuntu:~$ mc
The program 'mc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install mc
samsung@ubuntu:~$ ls
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