Comment 9 for bug 1328264

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Valtteri Suojanen (vsuojanen) wrote :

I am affected the bug with same description as in comment #5 after running 'hwe-support-status --verbose'

Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS:

hwe-support-status --verbose

Your current Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is going out of support
on 07.08.2014. After this date security updates for critical parts (kernel
and graphics stack) of your system will no longer be available.

For more information, please see:

To upgrade to a supported (or longer supported) configuration:

* Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS by running:
sudo do-release-upgrade


* Install a newer HWE version by running:
sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-trusty libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-trusty xserver-xorg-lts-trusty linux-image-generic-lts-trusty

I need to comment to the information ubuntu provides about the hardware support EOL for selected 12.04 release:

The top of says:

End-of-life (EOL) for 12.04, 12.04.1, and 12.04.5 HWE is April 2017 but for the other HWE stacks it is roughly when 14.04.1 is released: Aug 8, 2014.

And why should I care?

Starting Aug 8, 2014 systems running 12.04.2 HWE, 12.04.3 HWE, or 12.04.4 HWE will no longer receive software updates for the kernel and, if you're running it, the graphics stack.


I followed the instruction and used the tool on my 12.04.4 LTS to check what I need to do. The FAQ part has this:

 * So if I am running 12.04.3 (as seen from lsb_release -d) then starting from August 8, 2014 my kernel and graphics stack will no longer receive package updates?

Not true. 12.04.3 is not 12.04.3 HWE. And since HWE (and thus a new kernel series) cannot be introduced through regular package updates it is possible to update a non-HWE system to arrive at a later point release, such as 12.04.3, and still preserve the EOL date of April 2017.


The page information tells me that I should concern about the specific letters 'HWE' in the kernel release. That HWE prefix (e.x. 12.04.2 HWE) is confucining If not yet familiar to the End-of-life (EOL) for Ubuntu LTS kernel updates and hardware support.

I believe the page should just mention in the top without the HWE letters that "the kernel updates and hardware support for releases 12.04.2, 12.04.3 , and 12.04.4 will end Aug 8, 2014. And here's what you need to do to (use the tool and bla bla..)"