Comment 11 for bug 159396

Revision history for this message
era (era) wrote :

Charles: Thanks for your very detailed and specific update!

rusivi1: please read

> My biggest single annoyance with bug triage is people coming around
> and asking if bugs are still valid when they haven't put any effort into
> reproducing them themselves. This annoys bug submitters too; every
> so often somebody replies and says "didn't you even bother to
> check?". This gives a very bad impression of us as a project -
> wouldn't it be better if we looked as if we knew what we were talking
> about? There is a good reason to do this kind of check, of course:
> random undiagnosed crash reports and the like may well go away
> due to related changes, and it is occasionally worth checking. But if
> the bug is already well-understood and/or well-described, you
> should just go and check whether it's still there rather than asking.