Comment 9 for bug 1718453

Revision history for this message
Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„ (popey) wrote : Re: Cannot install steam on a clean 16.04.3 machine

I tested on both amd64 and i386 as detailed in the linked post in the original description. I installed both amd64 and i386 variants of Ubuntu 16.04.3 in parallel in separate VMs and experienced (from a user perspective) the same issue. The difference being what appstreamcli returns on each...

On amd64:-

alan@cleanamd64:~$ appstreamcli search steam
Identifier: ri-li.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Ri-li
Summary: a toy simulator game
Package: ri-li
Icon: ri-li_ri-li.png

On i386:-

alan@cleani386:~$ appstreamcli search steam
Identifier: steam.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Steam
Summary: Application for managing and playing games on Steam
Package: steam
Identifier: ri-li.desktop [desktop-application]
Name: Ri-li
Summary: a toy simulator game
Package: ri-li
Icon: ri-li_ri-li.png