Comment 0 for bug 997020

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arnuschky (abrutschy) wrote :

It is essential that apport-collect works on a headless/non-X installs in order to report bugs. In this case, apport-collect tries to use a text-based browser to attempt to login to Launchpad.

I tried lynx, links2, elinks and w3m, of which only w3m worked. With elinks I get the following message: "Your Page Was Stale" after selecting "continue".

To make apport-collect work, execute the following:

sudo apt-get install w3m
sudo update-alternatives --set www-browser /usr/bin/w3m

This bug is related to #556927, #645024 and #683337. As these only concern the functioning of w3m, I would here like to raise the issue that a proper installation must make sure that a compatible text-based browser is installed and set as default.