Comment 2 for bug 412553

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Annie Mack (lunargirl32) wrote :

I agree, the current method for crash reporting is extremely annoying. No user should be forced to login in order to report a bug.
I also think that instead of being asked to search through the database, that the bug reporting application should be smart enough that it doesnt require any work from the user.

This is the way apport should function.
Application Y crashes
Apport catches the crash and error dumps and compiles them into a report.
Apport displays two options 1: Send report, 2: Check for Fixes
If user chooses option 1 Apport opens a window with comment field for additional details to be included in report user clicks submit, and apport closes.
If user chooses option 2 Apport searches the launchpad database, finds proposed solutions to the bug and displays those solutions in a list for the user.
If a solution is found:
User clicks solution and tries it, if it doesnt work continues to next solution
If a given solution works:
User clicks a button that says "This Solution worked"
If no solution works:
User is presented with a "none of these solutions worked for me" button at the bottom.
If no solution is found in database:
Apport opens a window with comment field for additional details to be included in report user clicks submit, and apport closes.

This would make fixing bugs so much easier for developers as they would be able to see which solutions worked for which bugs and on what distributions,kernels etc.

Sorry this comment is so long but I wanted to offer an idea for fixing this bug rather than just saying it is there.