Comment 10 for bug 1893952

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Fritz Hudnut (este-el-paz) wrote :


Thanks again for those commands . . . I didn't know if removing the whole crash directory was the way to remove those files . . . .

So I ran that command, then I did the "apt update" . . . but then I ran "apt -f install" . . . and that showed a bunch of things to add and subtract . . . so I ran that through and then I did your "apt full-upgrade" . . . and then "sudo reboot" . . . and reboot took it's time.

But on restart it was faster to the log in window . . . still got the "clang-a-lang" sound when it loaded, but logging in went "OK" . . . not the zippiest, but acceptable . . . and no universal error red dot symbol!!! So that is more or less OK . . . I probably won't need to re-install . . . I have enough linux distros that I don't need stone axe reliability, but I do prefer systems that "work" when clicking on stuff . . . not taking 60 seconds to reboot from console, etc.

For now I think we have "solved" the complaint in this bug report . . . however, I have another bug report filed on U-MATE && Lubuntu 20.10 and that bug happened again while running through the "apt full-upgrade" commands suggested to fix the slow boot issues of this bug . . . and that is that ubuntu seems to be wiping the EFI grub data . . . leaving only itself on the grub listing . . . . It's a pain to have to use the SG2 disk to boot over into OpenSUSE to fix a problem that ubuntu seems to be causing . . . devs don't seem to be able to address that issue, which has been going on for months and effects a fair number of people . . . . If you have any experience in the grub area and can offer some suggestions that would be helpful . . . . I can't believe it happened yet again today in spite of my looking through the packages and not seeing "grub-xxxx" as it has been in the recent events with this problem . . . . Ubuntu does not seem to be playing well with others . . . for might be the last 9 -12 months??