Comment 29 for bug 122688

Revision history for this message
miked (miked11) wrote :

root@2HewittRand-desktop:~# /usr/share/apport/testsuite/test-apport kernel 2>&1 | tee /tmp/test-kernel.out
* Check that empty core dumps do not generate a report
* Check test process creation/killing with apport
* Check that a subsequent crash does not alter unseen report
* Check that a subsequent crash alters seen report
* Check that report has required fields
* Check that dumped environment only has insensitive variables
* Check that collected system groups has nonempty user groups information
* Check that collected system groups are not those from root
* Check that only one apport instance is ran at a time
* Check that existing .lock file as dangling symlink does not create the file
* Check that non-packaged executables do not create a report
* Check that apport ignores SIGQUIT
* Check that existence of user-inaccessible files does not leak
* Check that non-packaged scripts do not create a report
* Test limitation of flooding: iteration 0 1 2
* Check that core dump works for non-writable cwds
* Check that non-packaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits
* Check that non-packaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits for SIGABRT
* Check that packaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits
* Check that crashes create core dumps with an existing crash report
* Check that packaged executables create core dumps on proper ulimits for SIGABRT
* Check that core dumps are capped on available memory size....
* Check that binary blacklisting works
root@2HewittRand-desktop:~# gksudo cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu hardy (development branch)"