Comment 0 for bug 1168849

Revision history for this message
LAZA (laza74) wrote : crashes while reporting a Synaptics but - fills up /tmp

I have problems with Synpatic, which crashes often.
Then apport wants to file the bug and crashes also (apport-gtk).

This leads to a lot of apport files on /tmp --> finally my complete / partition is full! with over 4 GB of apport-gtk files!

Got this many times, always the same procedure:
1. start Synaptics
2. try(!) mark unneeded config files from removed packages
2b. Synaptic crashes, open up the apport file
3. Apport crashes
4. Synaptics crashes again (window was not closed before)
5. Apport crashes
5b. Apport writes a lot of files in /tmp
6. systems hangs while / partition is full!


Xubuntu 13.04 beta2
ii apport 2.9.2-0ubuntu8 all automatically generate crash reports for debugging
ii apport-gtk 2.9.2-0ubuntu8 all GTK+ frontend for the apport crash report system
ii apport-symptoms 0.19 all symptom scripts for apport
ii python-apport 2.9.2-0ubuntu8 all Python library for Apport crash report handling
ii python3-apport 2.9.2-0ubuntu8 all Python 3 library for Apport crash report handling