Comment 13 for bug 1805129

Revision history for this message
thom (tsk) wrote :

I toyed around a bit based on the post #11 from Alkis Georgopoulos
(thank you for that, is indeed the culprit, that was really really helpful)

One solution is change the exec line in the desktop file like: env GTK_MODULES=glade glade %f
this is one solution that works.

But I think a better solution would be to delete /etc/profile.d/ altogether because the environment variables GTK_MODULES and UBUNTU_MENUPROXY are both not in use in Ubuntu-MATE and AFAICT for GNOME-Desktop only.

I deleted /etc/profile.d/
It works without problem and I think it is a bit more elegant.

Could/should the file /etc/profile.d/ be marked as a conflict against mate-desktop-environment package ?
In that case it would only be installed if the desktop is NOT Ubuntu-MATE