Comment 3 for bug 316042

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Steve Beattie (sbeattie) wrote :

@Pibara: a couple of comments based on the README:

Is there specific reason you're using Proc::DaemonLite? As near as I can tell, the only function used therein is init_server(). Would Proc::Daemon (which exists in the archive) or one of the other daemon'izing libraries suffice? The fewer additional packages needed the better.

Also, the reason that File::ExtAttr fails its tests is that, under ubuntu, the filesystems are by default not mounted with user_xattrs enabled. Remounting the filesystem with that enabled causes the self tests to pass. Does MinorFS depend on user_xattrs? Apparently not, if things still work properly...

Marking as wishlist (which is what all package addition requests are marked as).
