Comment 40 for bug 1969896

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote (last edit ):

Ok, after more investigating I could reproduce the issue and narrow down the problem, for some reason it isn't doing it on my upgraded system but it is a problem a fresh xubuntu install in a VM and seems to be due to the fix for bug #1891338

Editing /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince to delete L72
' #include <abstractions/exo-open>'
and then doing
$ sudo aa-enforce evince

seems to make it work again

or a more selective version
- edit /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/exo-open
- delete the section

  deny dbus send

- $ sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/exo-open
- $ sudo aa-enforce evince

Alex, from the apparmor changelog adding the exo profile you worked on it, any idea about the issue?

$ dbus-monitor --session | grep vfs

shows that evince fails to talk to gvfs with the apparmor profile loaded but it works once in complains mode or with the change suggested before