Comment 2 for bug 1317555

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Tyler Hicks (tyhicks) wrote :

John says that the bug is in the parser:

11:18 < jjohansen> tyhicks: so the problem is the profile name vs. the expression
11:20 < tyhicks> I'm not following
11:20 < jjohansen> the profile name when a regex is used is the literal string
11:20 < jjohansen> /{a,b} { }
11:20 < jjohansen> is equiv to
11:20 < jjohansen> profile "/{a,b}" /{a,b} { }
11:20 < jjohansen> it is NOT the executable name
11:21 < jjohansen> so what we are laying down for @{profile_name} is actually wrong
11:22 < jjohansen> the encoding by the dfa is correct, but we are asking to do the wrong thing
11:23 < jjohansen> it should be matching the expression /\{a,b\}
11:23 < jjohansen> err make that encoding a match for that expression