Comment 11 for bug 1251973

Revision history for this message
EricDHH (ericdhh) wrote :

Next round, lets see....

eric@nereus:~$ sudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd
sudo: aa-disable: Befehl nicht gefunden

Okay this wont work, try the simple version

sudo restart cups
cups start/running, process 2879

Cant add a new printer and cant print a testpage with the pdf-printer, got this

[ 1160.695598] type=1400 audit(1385105454.057:58): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=2879 profile="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" name="/home/.ecryptfs/eric/.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbQJi-5FucO7-QrZ4FsT48w8tsZFI1YwR10K3IBUW-xsNjgUYReApm1HU--/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWbQJi-5FucO7-QrZ4FsT48w8tsZFI1YwR10HEexx9BZbOErhIlf5w6Aok--" pid=2994 comm="cups-pdf" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" fsuid=0 ouid=1000

Let's see what sit on the ports
eric@nereus:~$ sudo netstat -lntp | grep :631
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2879/cupsd
tcp6 0 0 ::1:631 :::* LISTEN 2879/cupsd