Comment 2 for bug 2056662

Revision history for this message
Dan Ran (danrancan) wrote :

I forgot one thing. Before I did the release upgrade, I also stopped all of the services that I disabled with the following one liner:

sudo systemctl stop cron \
sudo systemctl stop amavis \
sudo systemctl stop amplify-agent \
sudo systemctl stop atd \
sudo systemctl stop clamav-daemon \
sudo systemctl stop clamav-freshclam \
sudo systemctl stop dovecot \
sudo systemctl stop fail2ban \
sudo systemctl stop irqbalance \
sudo systemctl stop kmod \
sudo systemctl stop mono-xsp4 \
sudo systemctl stop nginx \
sudo systemctl stop opendkim \
sudo systemctl stop opendmarc \
sudo systemctl stop php7.4-fpm \
sudo systemctl stop postfix \
sudo systemctl stop postgrey \
sudo systemctl stop redis-server \
sudo systemctl stop smbd \
sudo systemctl stop nmbd \
sudo systemctl stop spamass-milter \
sudo systemctl stop spamassassin \
sudo systemctl stop tlp \
sudo systemctl stop unbound \
sudo systemctl stop create-cacheram-folders.service \
sudo systemctl stop webmin.service \
sudo systemctl stop <email address hidden> \
sudo systemctl stop dphys-swapfile \
sudo systemctl stop netdata \
sudo systemctl stop policyd-rate-limit

Then I proceeded with the Release upgrade.