We have several other jammy machines with other projects running PHP 5.6 from ondrej with no issues.
We had one other jammy machine with another project running PHP 7.4 from ondrej and we had these issues with MPM worker, too. We switched that server to event and the issue disappeared. But the traffic on that other server is much much less.
So I guess this might be related to ondrey's PHP 7.4 packages.
> - If you disable logrotate, do you ever get apache2 processes stuck in "Sending Reply" state?
Nope. Without "graceful" there a never stuck apache2 processes. Only when a reload is triggered some processes don't get killed and become "old gen" and stuck.
We have jammy with ondrej PHP 7.4 and jammy with ondrej PHP 5.6, but only the 7.4 machines receive more than a little bit of traffic, nettolohn.de (where we see this issue) having a lot/moderate amount of traffic.
Hey Paride,
sorry for the confusion and not making this clear:
the System is latest LTS, 22.04, jammy with PHP7.4 packages from https:/ /launchpad. net/~ondrej/ +archive/ ubuntu/ php
I suppose the issue is with PHP, yes, because:
We have several other jammy machines with other projects running PHP 5.6 from ondrej with no issues.
We had one other jammy machine with another project running PHP 7.4 from ondrej and we had these issues with MPM worker, too. We switched that server to event and the issue disappeared. But the traffic on that other server is much much less.
So I guess this might be related to ondrey's PHP 7.4 packages.
> - If you disable logrotate, do you ever get apache2 processes stuck in "Sending Reply" state?
Nope. Without "graceful" there a never stuck apache2 processes. Only when a reload is triggered some processes don't get killed and become "old gen" and stuck.
- My gut feeling is that PHP may be involved in this. Are you able to try to reproduce the issue with a different PHP version from https:/ /launchpad. net/~ondrej/ +archive/ ubuntu/ php ?
We have jammy with ondrej PHP 7.4 and jammy with ondrej PHP 5.6, but only the 7.4 machines receive more than a little bit of traffic, nettolohn.de (where we see this issue) having a lot/moderate amount of traffic.
% apt-cache policy dpkg/status /dl.yarnpkg. com/debian stable/main all Packages a=stable, n=stable, l=yarn- stable, c=main, b=all /dl.yarnpkg. com/debian stable/main amd64 Packages a=stable, n=stable, l=yarn- stable, c=main, b=amd64 /ppa.launchpadc ontent. net/ondrej/ php/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 Packages o=LP-PPA- ondrej- php,a=jammy, n=jammy, l=***** The main PPA for supported PHP versions with many PECL extensions *****,c= main,b= amd64 ntent.net /deb.nodesource .com/node_ 16.x jammy/main amd64 Packages n=jammy, l=Node Source, c=main, b=amd64 security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-security/ multiverse amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- security, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=multiverse, b=amd64 security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-security/ universe amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- security, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=universe, b=amd64 security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-security/ restricted amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- security, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=restricted, b=amd64 security. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-security/main amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- security, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=main, b=amd64 eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-backports /universe amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- backports, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=universe, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-backports /main amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- backports, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=main, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-updates/ multiverse amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- updates, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=multiverse, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-updates/ universe amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- updates, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=universe, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-updates/ restricted amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- updates, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=restricted, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy- updates, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=main, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy/multiverse amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=multiverse, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy/universe amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=universe, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy/restricted amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=restricted, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com eu-central- 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 Packages o=Ubuntu, a=jammy, n=jammy, l=Ubuntu, c=main, b=amd64 1.ec2.archive. ubuntu. com
Package files:
100 /var/lib/
release a=now
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release o=yarn,
origin dl.yarnpkg.com
500 https:/
release o=yarn,
origin dl.yarnpkg.com
500 https:/
release v=22.04,
origin ppa.launchpadco
500 https:/
release o=Node Source,
origin deb.nodesource.com
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin security.ubuntu.com
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin security.ubuntu.com
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin security.ubuntu.com
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release v=22.04,
origin security.ubuntu.com
100 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
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release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
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release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
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release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
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release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
500 http://
release v=22.04,
origin eu-central-
Pinned packages: