This is not a bucket for all possible improvement ideas about mod_ssl configurations. That is better discussed on the user/dev mailing lists.
As to the original report, I read the history of this as:
- not able to reproduce in a minimal set
- the effect of nested include files, some added maybe by a 3rd party tool, e.g. certbot that were not immediately obvious
We have no reproducible setup for the title of this ticket, " SSLProtocol settings seem to have no effect". Otherwise, it would be helpful to provide a minimum example setup.
Otherwise we will close this ticket. We are open to discussions and improvement proposals for making better server configurations. But those should take place on the mailing lists.
This is not a bucket for all possible improvement ideas about mod_ssl configurations. That is better discussed on the user/dev mailing lists.
As to the original report, I read the history of this as:
- not able to reproduce in a minimal set
- the effect of nested include files, some added maybe by a 3rd party tool, e.g. certbot that were not immediately obvious
We have no reproducible setup for the title of this ticket, " SSLProtocol settings seem to have no effect". Otherwise, it would be helpful to provide a minimum example setup.
Otherwise we will close this ticket. We are open to discussions and improvement proposals for making better server configurations. But those should take place on the mailing lists.
Thank you.