Comment 3 for bug 19797

Revision history for this message
Adam Conrad (adconrad) wrote : Re: apache is restarted with nice level of 10

Hrm. Okay, I see that now. I don't (ever) have anacron installed on servers,
so the interaction between anacron and logrotate didn't really occur to me. One
could perhaps make an argument that invoke-rc.d should reset the nice level
before firing init scripts (of course, that hilights a bug that apache2 doesn't
use invoke-rc.d in its logrotate snippet, but that's easy enough to fix). I'll
discuss the invoke-rc.d/nice with a few others and see where that lands us.

(For now, there's no harm in you manually mangling the logrotate files, they are
conffiles, so won't be overwritten on upgrade without prompting)