Comment 29 for bug 84967

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Germain (germain-alexandre) wrote :

Justin, I just found a fix for the amarok freezing up upon startup.

I almost banged my head on the wall, until I realized the medibuntu repository was the cause of all my problems.

I couldnt even OPEN xine, it kept on freezing. So I guessed it was xine that crashed amarok.

Here's what I did:

remove the medibuntu depository from /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
remove every amarok-related package with "dpkg --force-all -P packages" ("dpkg -l | grep amarok" will give you a list)
remove every xine-related package ( same procedure )
apt-get -f install

And then amarok was back to normal.

This will teach me not to use apt-pinning to conserve TRUE ubuntu packages!!
