Comment 2 for bug 911331

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Vianney Stroebel (78luphr0rnk2nuqimstywepozxn9kl19tqh0tx66b5dki1xxsh5mkz9gl21a5rlwfnr8-launchpad) wrote :

Let me quote the useful parts of :

"Basically, if I re-insert my headphones into the jack, PulseAudio changes the output connector to "Analog Headphones" which produces no sound. So it forces me to manually change it back to "Analog Speakers" through the sound settings to get the audio working properly. This is a real nuisance. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm sick of that feeling of dread the moment I accidentally disconnect my headphones."

"I figure the automatic output switching that pulseaudio does is a feature. I don't believe I need it, as my sound card(?) already manages that for me. So it should be as simple as disabling that feature. I don't recall having this problem before with pulse on this computer, so it could've been from an update."

It's quite annoying and we don't know when it's going to be resolved, so it would be nice if someone could explain how we can disable the automatic switching mechanism in the meantime (I didn't understand much of the documentation in analog-output.conf.common.). We don't need this feature anyway because the speaker muting is already managed (somehow) when the headphones are plugged in, even if the output connector is set back to "Analog Speakers".

This bug might be a duplicate of bug #909348 and bug #817943, but not exactly like bug #829843.

It looks like bug #817943 is the culprit.
