Comment 10 for bug 445614

Revision history for this message
Tefnet Developers (developers-tefnet) wrote :

I found a solution/workaround on the Internet that nobody mentioned here, so I will share with you guys.

First make sure that you have selected "Analog Stereo Duplex" as Luke Yelavich stated above and then:
1. Install pavucontrol (apt-get install pavucontrol) if you don't have it already.
2. start pauvcontrol from console
3. Select tab "Input Devices"
4. Port: "Microphone 2"
5. Unmute (1st icon)
6. Set as fallback sink (3rd icon)
7. Unlock channels (2nd icon)
8. Set "Front Left" channel to 0% and "Front Right" channel to about ~80-90%

They also said that linux-backports-modules-alsa-(maverick/lucid/karmic)-generic should be installed, but I'm not sure if it is necessary.