Comment 3 for bug 35669

Revision history for this message
Mike Fedyk (mfedyk) wrote :

> Here's the breakdown: defaults.pcm.card and defaults.ctl.card can be
> strings (as ``asoundconf list'', in which case the ! is required) or
> integers (in which case the ! shouldn't appear). Currently gnome-
> control-center sets these two variables, and most apps play nicely.
> However, apps like jackd normally require a specific device (implying
> that its subdevice must also be set), in which case defaults.pcm.device
> and defaults.pcm.subdevice must also be set. The good news is that we
> can get away with setting defaults.pcm.subdevice -1 (per definition in
> /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf) always, since apps will override it as
> necessary.

How many apps don't play nice? Is it just jackd or is it a long list of misbehaving apps?

Since the number is being "overridden" anyway, why is its definition to any integer value necessary?