Comment 0 for bug 1746141

Revision history for this message
David Chen (david.chen) wrote :

On a device without build-in microphone, plugin-unplug headset, on gnome-control-center sound setting input tab, input level keeps going up and down even without mic/headset attached.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Fresh install Ubuntu 17.10.1 image
2. Boot up the device
3. Plug a headset(with mic) in the GHS jack
4. Open Sound settings(gnome-control-center)
5. Switch to "Input" tab, adjust the input volume amplifier to 100%, and then notice that input level will start to float
6. Leave sound setting UI as open, unplug the headset => Problem: input volume amplifier is still editable and input level keeps floating.

Expected behavior:
Ideally, when headset is unplugged, the input volume amplifier should become in-editable and input level shouldn't keep floating.

Actual behavior:
Input level keeps moving.