Comment 18 for bug 1553685

Revision history for this message
Raymond (superquad-vortex2) wrote :

Converter: stream=1, channel=0

The other difference is channel, seem still using two channels when channels tag of two audio output are same

speaker-test -c4 -t wav -D hw:0,0

only need two channel if there is low pass filter with mono pin complex and driver don't support 4 channels

For stereo pin complex without low pass filter, you need four channel and pulseaudio low pass filtering to profile LFE to subwoofer using surround21

Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x41d: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0 Amp-Out vals: [0x57 0x57] Converter: stream=1, channel=0 PCM: rates [0x60]: 44100 48000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS Power: setting=D0, actual=D0