Comment 6 for bug 1388436

Revision history for this message
Meklon (meklon) wrote :

Tried this with no effect:
meklon@meklon-desktop:~/Музыка$ amixer set Master 100 unmute
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 87
  Mono: Playback 87 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]

meklon@meklon-desktop:~/Музыка$ mplayer --ao=alsa:device=hw=0.0 0.mp3
MPlayer2 2.0-728-g2c378c7-2ubuntu3 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
Cannot open file '/home/meklon/.mplayer/input.conf': No such file or directory
Failed to open /home/meklon/.mplayer/input.conf.
Cannot open file '/etc/mplayer/input.conf': No such file or directory
Failed to open /etc/mplayer/input.conf.

Playing 0.mp3.
Detected file format: MP2/3 (MPEG audio layer 2/3) (libavformat)
[mp3 @ 0x7f43bdf90b40]max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached
[mp3 @ 0x7f43bdf90b40]Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[lavf] stream 0: audio (mp3), -aid 0
Clip info:
 album_artist: Emma Chapplin
 track: 17
 title: Spente Le Stelle (Live Version)
 artist: Emma Shapplin
 album: Forever Gold
 genre: Classical
 date: 2000
Load subtitles in .
Selected audio codec: MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 layers I, II, III [mpg123]
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 320.0 kbit/22.68% (ratio: 40000->176400)
AO: [alsa] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
A: 6.5 (06.5) of 334.7 (05:34.7) 0.4%