Comment 8 for bug 1296017

Revision history for this message
Grant (gjwaudio1) wrote :

Hi Raymond

01). I am stuck trying to query the channel map. chmap script won't run on my OpenELEC system. Here's what the SSH session did:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> login as: root
> root@'s password:
> ##############################################
> # OpenELEC - The living room PC for everyone #
> # ...... visit ...... #
> ##############################################
> OpenELEC (official) Version: 3.95.2
> OpenELEC:~ # cd ~/.xbmc/userdata
> OpenELEC:~/.xbmc/userdata # ./chmap
> ./chmap: line 228: /usr/bin/sed: not found
> ./chmap: line 228: /usr/bin/sed: not found
> ./chmap: cd: line 1: can't cd to
> /home/integer0/projects/misc/chmap/alsa-lib/test
> ./chmap: eval: line 1: gcc: not foundnOpenELEC:~/.xbmc/userdata #
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there a way to make this portable enough to run on my stripped down system ?

02). Regarding the Audio data block you extracted from EDID above:

a). Although "max channels" value is specified, what enumerates specific configurations supported by the device ?

In my case, 2.0 and 5.1 are the only recognized channel maps. Since the AVR is "only" HDMI v1.1 compatible, is it possible the EDID does not transmit full channel map info ?

b). Would it be possible to create a "full spec" EDID.BIN (to use as override), that reflects the D2's available channel formats, and thus cause ALSA to send the 4.0 material on 5.1 mapping ?

Thank you for helping.