Comment 2 for bug 485200

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Joshua Miller (unrtst) wrote : Re: alpine ldap support appears to be broken ( lib error)

Tested on fresh and up to date ubuntu 9.10 install.
The lib error no longer appears, but the search still doesn't work.

Tested the search with ldap search. The following works:

ldapsearch -h -x -D joshmiller@myaddomain -W -b (|(cn=josh* miller*)(name=josh* miller*)(email=josh* miller*)(mailNickname=josh* miller*)) dn cn employeeID sAMAcountName mail userPrincipalName

.pinerc config line:
ldap-servers= "/base=dc=mydomain,dc=com/binddn=joshmiller@myaddomain/impl=0/rhs=0/ref=0/nosub=0/tls=0/tlsm=0/type=name/srch=begins-with/time=5/size=50/cust=/nick=MY AD Directory/matr=/catr=name/satr=/gatr="

Set the timeout to 5 seconds, and search still hangs. CTRL-c doesn't work; CTRL-z doesn't work. Had to kill it from another prompt.

I let it run longer this time, and it eventually errors out with:
[LDAP search failed: Referral: 0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031006E0, data 0, 1 access points^J ref>

I did some more digging around, and found this thread:

It appears that newer MS Active Directory servers always return a referral, and often with a bogus URL. From my ldapsearch results, I can confirm that is happening in this case as well. That thread was from 2005. I believe alpine is attempting to follow the bogus referral, and that's causing the error.

An strace on alpine shows it is attempting to follow the referral, which goes to an address for which I don't have access.

I also tried compiling alpine from scratch, and receive the same results. So, I believe this is probably an upstream bug/issue.

This would probably be best fixed with an additional config option in alpine to ignore referrals. I imagine that's unlikely to get patched in ubuntu, and probably needs to go upstream.