Comment 40 for bug 223825

Revision history for this message
Lars Düsing (lars.duesing) wrote :

New version is ready in my ppa:

!!!!! BE CAREFUL !!!!!
- Versioning there is a complete mess, it's my first ppa... Version in there is 20070115-9ubuntu1.3, when this patch is put into karmic-proposed or such it will be a version LESS than there (most likely 20070115-9ubuntu0.1)
- because of the bug in upstart itself I described in comment #37 it will not update properly, so you have to do it the following way:
  1. remove old aiccu ("sudo dpkg -r aiccu") - do NOT use purge ("dpkg -P") as your login information will be lost!
  2. reboot
  3. install the current version via apt-get/aptitude/dselect/synaptic

Thanks for all help!