Comment 2 for bug 1254569

Revision history for this message
N1ck 7h0m4d4k15 (nicktux) wrote :

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and trying to help make Ubuntu better. However, it seems that you are not using a software package provided by the official Ubuntu repositories. Because of this the Ubuntu project can not support or fix your particular bug. Please report this bug to the provider of the software package. Thanks!

If you are interested in learning more about software repositories and Ubuntu, check

You have to know that the last version of Flash Player that Adobe made available for Linux (Linux in general not Ubuntu only) is 11.2 . A newer version for Linux does not exist and probably will never be.

Linux and Ubuntu cannot do anything about that. It was Adobe's decision.

If you need a newer version of flash player I would suggest to use Google Chrome. It has the latest flash player integrated.

I'm closing this bug and converting it to a question in the support tracker. You can also find help with your problem in the support forum of your local Ubuntu community or asking at or

Thanka for the report.

Best Regards