Comment 13 for bug 48682

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Ancoron Luziferis (ancoron) wrote :

Problem still seen here in 8.10 Intrepid Ibex running KDE4.1.

The workaround using environment variable "http_proxy" on the command line works fine, but can't be always set globally using an export in the .profile or similar way. Because some applications don't like those environment variables. E.g. try to use the VMWare console when you have installed VMWare Server. It is a no go. This may also be a mistake by VMWare but I'm sure there are some other apps that would have problems with that too.

In addition I found out that adept is not the only one that suffers in this case. There are several scripts that have problems too. One example is the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. There I had to add the proxy by hardcoding it into the script although this particular script seems to use gconftool to get proxy data which I just don't use because I installed Kubuntu because I didn't want Gnome. Is this really the intended way to do that when one has installed Kubuntu??? This is horrible! Isn't there a similar way to get those information from the KDE4 system settings where you can set the proxy?

This is a really funny behavior. Strange somewhat and although I managed to get the apt updater scripts working correctly in KDE4 so that it shows the "Software Update available"-Icon when I try to open it and actually do the update it fails because adept doesn't get the proxy information.

Adept is a package exclusively for KDE (at least this is stated in the package description) and so it should really be capable of using the proxy settings from KDE itself.

These are the little things that keep people using Gnome. It is always the little things! So the earlier you get this done the better. And I really think that providing another proxy configuration inside adept wouldn't be a good choice. It should definitely use the settings from KDE. As a user you would want to provide the proxy once and manage it in one place.

Sorry for the rant, it's just annoying.
