Comment 2 for bug 271601

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Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote :

[09:25] <davmor2> I've closed as it's two apps not the same one :)
[09:25] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 271601 in adept "KDE 4.1.1/Intrepid - Adept appears twice in K menu" [Undecided,Invalid]
[09:25] <apachelogger> seele: Lancelot still got some rough edges. I prefere kickoff currently.
[09:26] <apachelogger> davmor2: well, we need to do something either way
[09:26] <apachelogger> updater doesn't really need to be in the menu
[09:26] <apachelogger> and the installer should be in the toplevel and not some submenu
[09:26] <apachelogger> actually the installer should be added to the computer tab as well
[09:26] <davmor2> apachelogger: true but then the complaint was that they were the same and they're not :)
[09:27] <apachelogger> well, you could have changed it :P
[09:27] <apachelogger> Who is available for some powerdevil testing'?
[09:28] <ScottK-laptop> davmor2: That's my bug. Then the bug is that there's no way without clicking to tell what's what as they are labled identically.
[09:29] <ScottK-laptop> davmor2: If the are different, then that difference should be apparent. It certainly wasn't to me.
[09:29] <ScottK-laptop> IIRC I said that in the bug.
[09:29] <ScottK-laptop> Either way it's wrong.
[09:30] --> jtechidna has joined this channel (n=jonathan@ubuntu/member/jontheechidna).
[09:30] <davmor2> ScottK-laptop: they're not they are both labled differently and when you hover over them the text displayed is also different
[09:30] <davmor2> they do need icons though
[09:31] <ScottK-laptop> OK. I looked at and hovered over both and noticed no difference.
[09:31] <ScottK-laptop> If it's different, it's too subtle.