Comment 3 for bug 185082

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Juan-Carlos Amengual (jcamen) wrote :

No, I haven't tried this. I'll try next time. Now, I have worked with Gutsy Gibbon for a week and I have tested a lot the suspend/resume feature.

At this moment, I can tell that graphics seem OK. I haven't experienced the blank screen again. Whenever I have resumed after a suspend (no matter after minutes or hours) the KDE desktop resumes well (no problem with Nvidia drivers after changed options in /etc/default/acpi-support and /etc/xorg.conf).

With regard to sound I keep on experiencing problems. Last friday night I suspend laptop and when I resumed at saturday morning the sound couldn't be heared (but modules were loaded and everything seemed OK). I suspend laptop again and resumed at afternoon: sound couldn't be heared. Then, I suspend again. At night, I resumed laptop to play an xvid movie for my little daughter (I had forgotten the problem with sound). I plugged in the headphones and my daughter could perfectly listen to movie dialogues!!!. I got surprised because when I resumed laptop I think that I couldn't listed to KDE desktop sounds (but I can't remember if it was so). I stopped movie and check sounds and everything was OK. From then till now, sound works OK (I have suspended/resumed laptop three times with no problem) :-¿? I have read ("googleing") of some problems with regard to silence the external speaker after a suspend if headphones were plugged in with a similar sound card... but when I suspend headphones are not plugged.

I haven't tried the suspend-on-close-lid feature: the last time I tried was a disaster and I have to reboot laptop. I always suspend from kpowersave. Do you think that I have to try again?

This is very annoying because everything worked fine with Feisty... I'm repenting of the upgrade (in fact, It was not an upgrade; I perform a full instalation formatting all partitions except /home).