Comment 19 for bug 363868

Revision history for this message
Leo Milano (lmilano) wrote :

@Adrian: thanks, it is enabled. I pointed this out to the Foxconn representatives.
@Ivar. thanks for the update. Let's see how it goes with your upgrade.

Now I found this very relevant (and related) bug report:

Also this long thread:

To put it straight, Foxconn has intentionally damaged the BIOS ACPI functionality for Linux (by putting OS dependent if() switches mostly to support windows, when the ACPI is a standard), and it took reverse engineering to unveil that. ONLY after that was made PUBLIC they started doing anything about this. They made me waste two months in a back and forth of online communications where it was clear they were not even reading what I was typing. When I pointed that out (politely, as whey were asking me to "install" something that was mentioned all over the place in my previous postings), they cut the communication with me, also two months ago now.

This is serious, they are not following an industry standard, just making sure their hardware works in Windows systems. Of course I'll stay away from Foxconn in the future, and I recommend this to anyone running Linux on their hardware. But I want this fixed, no so much for me, as for the community at large. Let's see how it goes.
