Comment 13 for bug 363868

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Leo Milano (lmilano) wrote :

Hi Ivar

Regarding your observation: what kernel are you running now? It would be extremely beneficial if you could go back to an old kernel that works. What you are saying seems to mean that even if there is a BIOS bug (as claimed by the kernel acpi devs), scaling used to work for you in Linux. You could report it here:

On the other hand, if you don't give them away to reproduce it, it is pretty much useless from their perspective. But just for them to know might ring a bell. You would need to be a lot more specific though.

By the way: the kernel devs think now changed the error message in the kernel, and they send people to talk to their mobo manufacturer (they are _convinced_ this is a mobo bug; however, your case makes me wonder).


PD: My conversations with Foxconn unfortunately ended up in nothing useful. I spent a month exchanging messages in an online form (which seems to be the only means of communication with them). After lots of trivial exchanges (I never got them to understand what is going on despite my very technical and lenghty explanations), they sent me to download and apply the "amd software". Surprise: the "software" was the powernow-k8 module, which was posted by AMD a long time ago but has of course long been in the mainline tree. I asked them if they ever read what I was saying, since the very summary of the report I initiated with them has a log from powernow-k8. At that point, they stopped communication from their side. That was a month ago. If yhey don;t answer, you can't post again until they do. Needless to say, that was my last Foxconn product. But if you also bug them, maybe some day they'll do something.