Comment 299 for bug 59695

Revision history for this message
donzilluh (donzilluh) wrote :

I realized the result it returned "9" was not my uptime hours. Tired noob mistake. I am just curious if my problem should be fixed completely by adding the to the 3 directories and altering the laptop-mode config to CONTROL_HD_POWERMGMT=1 and also APMD_SPINDOWN=90 in the *other file (my memory does not serve the exact name correctly). My load cycle count stopped increasing by a great amount. Now it's less than 1 to about 5 minutes. This means I should be alright? Because I noticed my hdd still blinks while it should just be idle. Is this a normal happening? I also used the hitachi live cd and changed the APM settings to highest (254) Does this mean the -b 255 still works even though this apparently goes to 254? A lot of confusion in my mind about this bug. It's hard for me to understand completely as I'm simply that new to ubuntu. I would just like that piece of mind, I need to know for sure by using ubuntu it will not decrease my laptop longevity.