Comment 15 for bug 182999

Revision history for this message
msp3k (peek-nimbios) wrote :

There is a workaround for this bug. The bug is caused by acidrip not passing the necessary command line parameters to mencoder for the new version of libx264-57 library. But the necessary options may be set as defaults in an mencoder.conf file.

Create an mencoder.conf file (I created mine in ~/.mplayer/menoder.conf, but according to the man page /etc/mplayer/mencoder.conf or /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mencoder.conf should work as well) and place inside it a line like this:


I believe the only option that is /truely/ necessary in order for acidrip to work is the qp=XX option. The value for XX and the other options listed in the line above are merely taken from a previous post in this list as the 'optimal' settings for an 'ultra-high' quality encoding.

Attached is my mencoder.conf file.