Comment 6 for bug 1316830

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Jonathan Greenblatt (jon-50e) wrote :

I figured it out by attaching to the process with gdb and doing a backtrace. Apparently my wtmp and btmp files got full from devices doing remote logins on a regular basis. I became suspicious that there was something particular to what I was doing based on how few people were affected by this. Here is the size of my files:

-rw-rw---- 1 root utmp 7160832 Nov 24 21:23 /var/log/btmp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp 116148480 Nov 25 22:39 /var/log/wtmp

I need to have a cleanup job for these files anyway illregardless of what the accounts-daemon does but it may help if the accounts-deamon does not process the while file if possible. I have not looked into what accounts-deamon does with the files so I am not sure if it is feasable just to look at the end of the files instead of the whole file.

Even with truncating the files accounts-deamon seems to be too much of a busy body but for now at least the %CPU is below 1% on average but I do see it peak at times to 10%. The polkitd now shows up at the top more than accounts-deamon, from the threads on this I beleive that deamon is part of the same processing.