Comment 6 for bug 905328

Revision history for this message
Sergio Callegari (callegar) wrote :

I have noticed that fedora has decided to give up the traditional 'monolithic' packaging of texlive and take a way that looks rather interesting, namely the semi-automatized conversion of packages from the texlive package manager to rpm.

"Upgrade TeX Live to at least 2011. Use packaging based on upstream metadata and don't use monolithic build any more."

This is not yet ready for the large public, but already alive, working and testable. Should be in the beefy miracle.

Seems a rather interesting approach. If it works for them, It will make redhat forget for ever the times when their tex was always 2-4 years late. Also it gives an amazing granularity on what gets installed: you can install schemes, but also go down to things like
# yum install 'tex(epsfig.sty)'
to install a single latex style

I now wonder if their infrastructure can be converted to package to deb.

Please give advice about making a blueprint with Fedora's approach.