Comment 7 for bug 665278

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bartman2589 (bartman2589) wrote :

I encountered the same error when I tried to install some software on Ubuntu Maverick (10.10).

As near as I have been able to figure out the problem isn't with the software I tried to install (or with the software the OP in this bug report tried to install) but rather appears to be caused by the fact that the package 'python-gnome2-desktop' appears to have been renamed to 'python-gnomedesktop'.

I can't say I know much about packages and metapackages but couldn't this be fixed by releasing a metapackage named 'python-gnome2-desktop' that references the 'python-gnomedesktop' package but would remain showing as 'python-gnome2-desktop' being installed so that software that looks for the presence of the package 'python-gnome2-desktop' reports the dependency as being satisfied?