Comment 13 for bug 578045

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manny (estelar57) wrote :

@John Mills

could not agree with you more on this.

>"I hope some one with authority can really take a loot at this issue."

MPT is looking into this issue and am sure he's very aware of the situation.

The "NotAutomatic backports" seems like the first step towards a solution.

The second step can only be to move into longer release cycles or promote the LTS as the only stable release for users and OEMs, while the other releases should be marked or promoted only as "development and testing" releases.

Canonical needs to incentive users, oems and app developers to only use the LTS.

Specially app developers also have it difficult on Ubuntu:

"We’ve managed to p*** off developers every step of the way, breaking APIs all the time."....
"Ubuntu from this week is incompatible with the one nine months ago."...

i think canonical has the power to remedy this situation on their platform, but seems to not want to...